2024 Collier Lodge Archaeological Dig Application

From June 4 to 20, 2024 the Kankakee Valley Historical Society and the University of Notre Dame will conduct a public archaeology project at the site. The dig will be worked by KVHS volunteers and Notre Dame students. No prior experience is necessary, and participants will learn the basic methods for doing archaeology. Guest observers are welcome to view the dig during the 9:00-3:30 timeframe. This is a great opportunity for kids to see an actual dig and perhaps talk to Dr. Schurr. The dig will run from June 4th through June 20th, Monday through Thursday.

Located in Porter County, Indiana one of the few places the Kankakee Marsh could be easily crossed. The site has been occupied for over 11,000 years with evidence of human occupation from 1,000 B.C.E. Historic records of humans occupation in northwestern Indiana are available from the late seventeenth century. The prehistoric and historic cultural deposits are unique for northwestern Indiana. Prehistoric artifacts from the site represent most time periods over the last nine to ten thousand years and historic artifacts span the full range of historic occupations in northwestern Indiana. Prehistoric archaeological features documented at the site include two different types of roasting pits and small features whose functions are unknown. Historic features include the remains of a fireplace, post molds, and what is now thought to be a cellar marks the location of a previously undocumented structure. Concentrations of animal bones from the early nineteenth century indicate furs were processed at the site.

The Collier Lodge site has been shown to contain an extremely high density of artifacts and features. The site is also the only site in northwestern Indiana that has produced the full sequence of prehistoric ceramics in the region from excavated contexts. Durable artifacts such as those made of stone, ceramics, or metal can be used to study technology, trade networks, economic status, culture contact, and the spatial distribution of different types of activities within the site and the region. Faunal and floral preservation are both excellent, so that a host of subsistence, economic, and environmental questions can be addressed.

A KVHS membership is required to work the 2024 Collier Lodge Archaeological Dig. Go here for the induvial membership application.


12PR36 Permit Application 2023